这面面光学玻璃墙由特别打造的6000块纯玻璃块(50毫米x 235毫米x 50毫米)组成。这面墙有效的阻隔了声音,却能引入城市的风光。建筑师采用了透明度极高的玻璃品种。玻璃加工是非常不容易的,除了精度要求,还需要经过两次缓慢冷却除去玻璃本身的应力。玻璃表面的细微粗糙为建筑带来了不可预计的光影效果。建筑师用一面美丽的光学玻璃墙为建筑隔出了隐私和安宁,隔出了若隐若现的丰富城市景色,隔出了过滤的来自东向的美丽日光。入口门厅头顶天花开了一个方口,安装一片玻璃,上面附上一层薄薄的,流动的水膜。因为玻璃墙具有8.6mx8.6米的巨大尺度,因此建筑师将每个玻璃进行穿孔,用钢索传奇他们,为了避免侧向应力,建筑师在用不锈钢扁钢进行横向固定。最后的效果实现了玻璃砖严丝合缝的对接和完整的玻璃墙,看起来如泛着光芒的清新"瀑布"。这个瀑布重13吨,由顶上悬挑的钢梁支撑,四条竖向的主龙骨与花园楼板结构相连,均匀分力,实现了结构最小化。经过过滤的阳光穿过树影斑驳的落在客厅的地面上,超级轻盈的金属镀膜窗帘在风中若有若无的舞动。这里地处闹市,却可以安然享受宁静,享受城市的丰富,享受不断变化的光还有四季之美。
A fa?ade of some 6,000 pure-glass blocks (50mm x 235mm x 50mm) was employed. The pure-glass blocks, with their large mass-per-unit area, effectively shut out sound and enable the creation of an open, clearly articulated garden that admits the city scenery. To realize such a fa?ade, glass casting was employed to produce glass of extremely high transparency from borosilicate, the raw material for optical glass. The casting process was exceedingly difficult, for it required both slow cooling to remove residual stress from within the glass, and high dimensional accuracy. Even then, however, the glass retained micro-level surface asperities, but we actively welcomed this effect, for it would produce unexpected optical illusions in the interior space