双塔位于滨海黄金地段,与机场,市中心还有周边社区联系紧密,为社区注入活力并重新定义社区。这里的气候宜人,园林绿植与建筑达到天人合一的程度,使得室外生活成为非凡享受。优雅的室内设计还有宽敞的阳台可以根据业主的需求进行极简主义风格或是奢华风格装饰。360°环绕阳台使得室内外界限模糊。业主认为新双塔具有让人印象深刻的无与伦比之美,提升了社区形象。形体旋扭的双塔拥有360全景视野,并成为迈阿密天际线的新焦点。BIG + Raymond Jungles + Nichols Brosch Wurst Wolfe & Associates + Esrawe +
Desimone + HNGS, transform the Coconut Grove Waterfront with twisting towers in South Florida, USA.
The Grove at Grand Bay residences, located on the former site of the Grand Bay Hotel and just minutes from key areas including the airport, downtown Miami and Coral Gables shall leave an imprint on the South Bayshore Drive community, redefining luxury and breathing new life into Coconut Grove for decades to come. Developed by Terra Group, Miami’s leading real-estate development company, the construction is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2012, completing end of 2014. Upon
completion, the project seeks LEED Certification Silver designation, the first such structure in Coconut Grove.