Erlenbach Cemetery Building / AFGH艾伦巴赫公墓殡仪馆
分类: 文章来源:转自谷德设计网 | gooood 浏览数:801

建筑 公共 殡仪馆 目的 死 哀悼 混凝土 玻璃 宗教 瑞士 AFGH




The situation of the new cemetery building constructionally brackets the grounds of the
cemetery directly on the Lake of Zurich and the parallel lie of the church, placing the
two buildings in dialogue with each other and spanning the graveyards between them. As
opposed to the church, the functionally hybrid building is conceived as a pavilion to
serve the secluded, intimate atmosphere of a cemetery. All of the uses are combined in
a free form under a massive roof. Situated in the center are the rooms of the funeral
parlor, which are accessed via a glazed corridor facing the cemetery. The green, mostly
opaque panes provide a visual barrier, and the space forms an important interim area in
which to prepare for the encounter with the deceased. The walnut paneling and the
natural zenithal lighting give the funeral parlor an appropriate dignity, but also a
warmth and comfort. The introversion of the spaces provides the silence for mourning
and to take leave of the deceased.

The visitors’ room and the covered exterior space are orientated towards the most
beautiful point overlooking the lake, and where small ceremonies can be held. Two
perforated, ornamental concrete wall elements in the covered outside area create a
protective but simultaneously solemn atmosphere.
The archaic concrete construction contrasts pleasurably with the lightness of the glass
fa?ade, creating an abstract symbolism. The coloring of the panes of the fa?ade in
various tones of green and brown makes the pavilion part of the natural surroundings
and is tied to a long tradition of applying colored glass in the sacred buildings of
different cultures. The architectural expression of the building is intended to help
the mourners in coming to terms with the exceptional circumstances in which they find
themselves, and to provide a dignified and contemporary setting for the mourning
rituals of all confessions.

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