Porsche Pavilion / HENN Architects保时捷馆
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建筑 公共 展览 展示 汽车 保时捷 流线 动感 挑檐 灰空间 德国 HENN Architects



该建筑被German Design Council (Rat der Formgebung)授予Automotive Brand Award 2012
的‘Best of Best -  Architecture’大奖。

For the first time since its opening in 2000, the theme park at the Autostadt in
Wolfsburg receives another building structure in form of the new Porsche Pavilion,
which expresses the importance of the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG within the Volkswagen
group family.

Curving lines and exciting bends make the Pavilion a dynamic yet reduced sculpture with
its characteristics derived from the Porsche brand image. As designed by HENN, the
structure captures the dynamic flow of driving with a seamless building skin. Its lines
pick up speed and slow down just to plunge forward in large curves with ever-changing
radii. The stainless steel cladding forms a flush envelope for this vibrant structure,
creating the impression of a homogeneous unity, whilst creating a continuously changing
appearance depending on light and weather conditions. At the entrance the pavilion
cantilevers 25m over the lagoon’s water surface in front. Below the cantilever of the
large asymmetrical roof, a sheltered external space opens up. This space is visually
connected to the surrounding landscape, but forms its own acoustic enclosure, providing
seating for a few hundred guests. Architecture and landscape (WES
Landschaftsarchitekten) as well as interior and exterior form a coherent, flowing

Inside the pavilion a concentrated space opens up, allowing to experience the sports
car brand Porsche and its history, yet, casting aside the conventional limits and
restraints to perception. The elliptically curved ramp embraces the dynamic principle
of the architecture and leads the visitor to the lower, around 400m2 large, exhibition
stage areas. (hg merz architekten museumsgestalter and jangled nerves).
The Porsche Pavilion at the Autostadt Wolfsburg has been awarded by the German Design
Council (Rat der Formgebung) with the design prize Automotive Brand Award 2012 in the
category ‘Best of Best -  Architecture’.

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