Fokka / Arto Ollila芬兰钢结构建筑学生竞赛
分类: 作者:成都文锦设计转 浏览数:2236

建筑 公共 文化 商业 城市 钢结构 玻璃 芬兰 竞赛 学生 Arto Ollila




Arto Ollila / Aalto University / School of Arts, Design & Architecture / Department of Architecture
Year: 2012
Competition: “Western Gateway”
Location: Koivusaari, Helsinki, Finland

“Fokka” is the winning concept in a student competition held in 2011 among
all architecture schools in Finland. The task was to design a new landmark
building in Koivusaari area, the most western part of Helsinki, using new and
innovative steel structures.

The competition was organized by Helsinki city planning office and steel
product company Ruukki. Koivusaari is one of the new areas under development in
Helsinki, World Design Capital 2012.

Original idea by the city planning office had several different towers for
different functions. “Fokka” mixes these functions and proposes a new dense
and hybrid city block. Lower floors are open plans with multi-purpose spaces.
Apartments and  hotel are located on top of  the retail and cultural podium.
Building is directly connected to the public transport system of Helsinki.

The inner yard of the block is covered with tensile steel and glass structure
to extend the usage in harsh and cold finnish weather conditions. Cover of the
building also minimizes the exterior envelope surface and helps in direct sun
light management.

Jury’s comments regarding the proposal:
"The basic concept of the winning entry is professional, sovereign and 
innovative. "FOKKA" is based on a logical research of the surrounding city 
structure and proposes carefully examined functions. The outcome takes the 
surroundings beautifully into consideration. It is contemporary, poetic and 
sculptural hybrid building. The proposal creates a new kind of public spaces.
"FOKKA" is architecturally high  quality, elegant and insightful concept

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