Completed : CCTV Headquarters in Beijing / OMAOMA 设计的中央电视台新台址主楼竣工
分类: 作者:成都文锦设计 浏览数:1433

建筑 公共 电视台 办公 酒店 媒体中心 中国 北京 中央电视台 CCTV 荷兰 OMA

Beijing, 16 May 2012 –  OMA participated in the official construction
completion ceremony for the China Central Television (CCTV) Headquarters in
Beijing, which will start to be used later this year. Designed by OMA as a
reinvention of the skyscraper as a loop, construction on the building began in
2004. At approximately 473, 000m2, CCTV – accommodating TV studios, offices,
broadcasting and production facilities – is OMA’s largest ever project and
its first major building in China.

CCTV defies the skyscraper’s typical quest for ultimate height. Rising from a
common platform, two towers lean towards each other and eventually merge in a
perpendicular, 75- metre cantilever. The design combines the entire process of
TV-making – formerly scattered in various locations across the city – into a
loop of interconnected activities.

The structure of the CCTV Headquarters, and the forces at work within it, is
visible on its fa?ade: a web of diagonals that becomes dense in areas of
greater stress, looser and more open in areas requiring less support. The
fa?ade itself becomes a visual manifestation of the building’s structure.

Rem Koolhaas commented: “I am very happy, after years of intense
collaboration, that the CCTV building will soon begin to perform its role in
the way it is intended.”

The CCTV project was led by OMA / Rem Koolhaas, former OMA partner Ole Scheeren
(until 2010), OMA partner David Gianotten and project manager Dongmei Yao in
close collaboration with partners Shohei Shigematsu, Ellen van Loon and Victor
van der Chijs. The design team consisted of project architects Anu Leinonen,
Charles Berman and Adrianne Fisher together with a team of over 100 architects
from OMA.

The structural and MEP design was provided by Cecil Balmond and Arup, while
ECADI (East China Architectural Design & Research Institute) functioned as the
Local Design Institute. Design Consultants included Front INC, Inside/Outside,
DHV, DMJMH+N, Lerch Bates & Associates, LPA, Sandy Brown Associates and Romano
Gatland NY.



Photo ? OMA by Philippe Ruault
About OMA

OMA is a leading international office practicing architecture, urbanism and
cultural analysis. Dedicated for over 30 years to the design and realization of
buildings and masterplans, OMA is led by seven partners – Rem Koolhaas, Ellen
van Loon, Reinier de Graaf, Shohei Shigematsu, Iyad Alsaka, David Gianotten and
Managing Partner Victor van der Chijs – and sustains an international practice
with offices in Rotterdam, New York, Beijing, Hong Kong and soon Doha, with
around 340 employees.

AMO, the counterpart to OMA’s architectural practice, is a research studio and
advisory service working in areas beyond the traditional boundaries of
architecture, including media, politics, sociology, renewable energy,
technology, fashion, art, curating, publishing and design.

OMA Asia was established in 2006 in Beijing. The Beijing office now oversees
the construction of the Television Cultural Centre adjacent to the CCTV
Headquarters. OMA’s Hong Kong office, established in 2009, oversees
construction on the Taipei Performing Arts Center, Chu Hai College in Hong Kong
and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.


Photo ? OMA by Philippe Ruault
OMA 设计的中央电视台新台址主楼竣工

北京,2012 年 5 月 16 日  – OMA 在北京参加了中央电视台新台址主楼 (CCTV) 竣
工仪式, 标志着大楼建造完成,并将于年底启用。OMA 的设计重新定义了摩天大楼的新类
型,这座环形 建筑于 2004 年动工兴建。CCTV 新址大楼面积约为 473, 000 平方米,包
含电视演播室﹑办公 室﹑广播和制作设施,是 OMA 迄今为止规模最大的项目,也是 OMA
在中国建成的首个主要项 目。

CCTV 新址大楼改写了摩天大楼一味追求高度的模式,两座塔楼从一个共同的基座拔地而
起, 相互倾斜,在空中合拢,形成一个出挑 75 米的巨大的直角悬臂。大楼的设计将以往
分布于城 市中各个区域的电视制作的不同功能,完整紧密地组织在一个环状结构之中。

CCTV 新址大楼的结构及其受力通过幕墙体现:连续的空间网筒结构在受力较大的部分构件
比 较密集,而在受力较小的部分相对疏朗。幕墙本身成为对大楼结构的视觉表达。

电视 台新台址主楼即将不负众望地肩负起它的使命。”

CCTV 新址大楼项目由 OMA / 雷姆?库哈斯﹑前合伙人奥雷?舍人 (至2010年)﹑ OMA 合伙
人大 卫?希艾莱特以及项目经理姚东梅带领,OMA 合伙人重松象平﹑Ellen van Loon 及
Victor van der Chijs 紧密参与。设计团队包括项目建筑师 Anu Leinonen﹑Charles
Berman 以及 Adrianne Fisher,还有超过100名 OMA 建筑师。

院。 设计顾问包括 Front INC﹑Inside/Outside﹑德和威﹑DMJMH+N﹑Lerch Bates &
Associates﹑ LPA﹑Sandy Brown Associates 及 Romano Gatland NY。

Photo ? OMA by Philippe Ruault

关于 OMA

OMA 是一家世界前沿的国际合伙人事务所,专注建筑设计、城市规划及文化分析。OMA 在
超过 30 年来, 一直致力设计和建造大楼以及规划方案。事务所目前由七位合伙人领导,
包括雷姆?库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas) 、大卫?希艾莱特(David Gianotten) 、重松象平(Shohei
Shigematsu) 、Ellen van Loon、 Reinier de Graaf、Iyad Alsaka 以及管理合伙人
Victor van der Chijs ,在鹿特丹、纽约、北京及香港均设 有办公室,并将于多哈成立
新办公室,员工总数近 340 名。

AMO 是  OMA 建筑实践的对应机构,是一所研究工作室,提供顾问服务,工作范畴超越传
统的建筑领域, 涉猎媒体、政治、社会学﹑可再生能源、科技、时尚、艺术﹑策展﹑出版

OMA 亚洲于 2006 年在北京成立。北京办公室目前主理毗连北京中央电视台新台址主楼的
CCTV 电视文 化中心项目。OMA 香港办公室于 2009 年成立,主理台北艺术中心、香港的
珠海学院及深圳证券交易所项目。 OMA 亚洲项目由大卫?希艾莱特领导,具不同规模,涵

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