Adidas Laces / kadawittfeldarchitektur阿迪达斯德国研发中心
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:3007

建筑 公共 办公 德国 阿迪达斯 体育 研究 研发 Adidas kadawittfeldarchitektu

adidas Laces, Herzogenaurach (DE)

Brief Research and development building with 1700 working places at the adidas World of Sports
campus in Herzogenaurach. Added Value In contrast to conventional office typologies, the ring
structure developed by kadawittfeldarchitektur lends to the building a double relationship to the
landscape – both to the outer surroundings and to the communicative landscape of the atrium.
The connecting walkways, “Laces”, efficiently open up access to all office areas without the need
to cross through other departments. At the same time they transform the atrium into a creative
center of the building that provides an identity.

Adidas Laces,  Herzogenaurach| germany The new Laces blends into the existing World of
Sports ensemble as a floating counterpart to the black, recumbent mass of the adidas Brand
Center. Its clearly contoured volume positively invites the surrounding campus to find a
continuation within its interior, an atrium with a controlled climate. Lined up in a circular
arrangement, the office areas with their large glazed surfaces open onto the atmospheric inner
space and the remarkable landscaped space. The connecting walkways that cross the atrium,
the Laces, “tie” the built volume together, as it were, to form a many-layered office building that is
rich in relationships. They enable a maximum of interaction and allow open areas of
communication to emerge. As delicate connecting bridges, they weave a poetic spatial structure
into the interior and thus make the special creative atmosphere of the building legible. The result
is an inspiring place for research and product development.

Typologie: office building  
Construction volume: gfa 62.000m2 cubature 356.000m3  
Realization: 2008-2011   client adidas AG World of Sports  
Competition: 1st Prize 2007  
Architect: kadawittfeldarchitektur   
Project partner: Dirk Zweering  
Awards: Office Application Award 2009: Best Innovative Concept    


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