Castell d’Emporda / Concrete古堡里的“大树”
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:901

建筑 公共 商业 餐饮 酒吧 西班牙 古堡 阳伞 景观 锈蚀钢板 Concrete 

Project: Castell D’emporda
Client: Albert Diks, Margo Vereijken - Castell D’emporda - La Bisbal, Girona
Concept, architecture and interior: Concrete
Project Location:
Address: Castell d’Emporda s/n, 17115
City: La Bisbal, Girona
Country: Spain
Project Information:

Project team concrete: Erikjan Vermeulen
                                          Rob Wagemans
                                         Cindy Wouters
                                         Melanie Knuewer
Building regulations: Figa Arquitectos - Girona   
Structural advice: Bellapart Construction - Olot
Contractors and suppliers:
Steel construction and corten steel:  Bellapart Construction - Olot 
Groundwork, ceilingwork and electrical: Burgos Gasull – la bisbal
Transparant curtains: Iaso - Lieida
Bar, loungeseating and tables: Roord Binnenbouw - Amsterdam 
chairs: Academia - Italy
lighting: Modular
Covered area:  250m2      
First briefing: januari 2011
Opening: june 2011     
Duration of construction: 2 months

PHOTO ? ewout huibers / concrete architectural associates
A terrace covering to accommodate 200 people.
Hotel Castell D’emporda located in Girona, Spain offers a signature restaurant including a large
terrace with great views over the surrounding landscape. Concrete designed, at the clients’
request, a roof or covering for this terrace with the possibility to create an enclosed space with
full wind and rain protection. One of the design conditions was to create a covering that works in
harmony with the historical and listed building. Additionally we wanted to maintain the terrace
feeling while be seated under the covering.

In principle a terrace is an outdoor space where one can enjoy the weather. If necessary, you
need a parasol for sun or rain protection, but there is almost no obstruction between the visitor
and the view. The solution was to create abstract parasols. 12 Circles in divers diameters are
placed randomly on the terrace. Where the circles touch they melt together, the open spaces
between circles are filled in with glass. The circular parasol shapes enhance the feeling of being
in an outdoor environment on a terrace. The shape of the covering appears as a separate almost
temporary element, leaving the ancient building untouched.
A glass roof or a winter garden would to much become a building, create a feeling being inside a
structure and would also appear as an extension of the building, damaging the ancient character.

The top and edge of the parasols are made in rusted steel, seeking harmony with the ancient
building and the natural environment. The white painted steel columns and ceiling create an open
and light outdoor atmosphere under the parasols. Transparent sliding curtains can be hung
easily in colder periods but always stay open. When the mistral winds suddenly appear the whole
terrace can be closed in a couple of minutes.

Round and square marble tables and two white leather lounge couches create different seating
facilities. Underneath one parasol a circular outdoor bar is placed. The restaurant now has his
own name: Margarit
Castell d’emproda was build in 1301 on a hill nearby the small city of La Bisbal close to Girona
(Spain). The castle has been owned for centuries by the Margarit family. In 1973 Salvador Dali
wanted to buy the castell for his wife, but the owner refused a payment in artworks. Since 1999
Castell d’emporda has been transformed into a boutique hotel.

PHOTO ? ewout huibers / concrete architectural associates 
 西班牙Girona的Castell D’emporda酒店有一个饱览胜景的大露台,露台之上的特色餐厅希望建筑师
Castell D’emporda酒店从1301年就被建立在这座小山上,如今城堡已被Margarit家族掌管上百年。
1973年Salvador Dali想买来给她妻子做礼物,但是堡主拒绝出售这件艺术品。如今,这里已经被改
造成一家精品酒店Castell D’emporda。

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