临时博物馆 Temporary Museum (Lake) / Anne Holtrop
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:1786

Temporary Museum (Lake) is a curvaceous form set at the end of a meandering path in a nature
reserve north-west of Amsterdam. Like the ephemeral transitions of the autumnal season it
inhabits, the gallery, which opened on mid august 2010, had a lifespan of only six weeks.

Inspired by the automatic drawings of Dadaist Jean Arp - in which the hand is allowed to
move instinctively across the paper - Anne Holtrop began the work with sketches through which
he intended to use chance in a way to ‘discover form’. this led to a fluid organic outline that ‘hints
at the idea of a landscape element - the lake - but is not taken literally’. the resulting shape
generated a plan form, which was extruded upwards to create a single-storey enclosure, open to
 the elements in parts. the structure uses a simple construction sheathed in untreated laminated
poplar. the Temporary Museum houses single works from four artists - Renie Spoelstra, Eva-
Fiore Kovacovsky, Driessen & Verstappen and Sjoerd Buisman - who variously interpreted the
landscape theme. the huge charcoal drawing by Spoelstra, for example, is specifically connected
to the structure and surroundings; the artwork’s size mirrors the opening opposite it, while its
content is an image of the scene viewed outside.
three further openings establish a relationship between inside and outside, framing the
artificial fabric-like folds of timber or the gentler rendering of nature itself. Described by Holtrop
as an ‘abstract nature’, the design is halfway between building and model. ‘there is never a point
in which you can consider the form in its entirety, either inside or out,’ says Holtrop, ‘so the
experience of the building is always relational, and not the experience of an absolute whole.’
text by Georgina Ward

Credits and Data:
Project title: Temporary Museum (Lake)
Organization: Stichting Beeldende Kunst Manifestatie Heemskerk, part of exhibition Schone
Location: Kruisberg, Heemskerk, e Netherlands
Construction: 2010
Material: fully made in untreated poplar wood
Architect: Anne Holtrop
Project team: Anne Holtrop, Akira Negishi
Contractor: Art Assistance Amsterdam
Photography: Bas Princen
Shown together with works of Renie Spoelstra, Driessen & Verstappen, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky and Sjoerd Buisman

Anne Holtrop (b. 1977, the Netherlands) studied architecture at the Academy of Architecture in
Amsterdam from 1999 to 2005. After graduation, and still resident in Amsterdam, Holtrop set up
his own practice, being twice awarded grants from the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,
Design and Architecture, known in the Netherlands as Fonds BKVB, as well as receiving the
Charlotte K?hler Prize for Architecture from the Prince Bernhard Cultural Foundation in 2008.
In 2009 he joined an artist in residence in Tokyo and in 2011 in Seoul. He is a visiting lecturer
and external critic at various art and architecture academies and is editor of OASE, an
independent architectural journal for architecture. His work has been exhibited in the Nouveau
Musée Nationale de Monaco (MC), Ludwig Forum Aachen (D), NAI Rotterdam (NL), Museum
De Paviljoens (NL) and Tokyo Wonder Site (JP).
受达达主义的绘画启发,设计师Anne Holtrop创作出了这个有着液体般有机轮廓的景观
这里放置四位风格各异的艺术家作品。他们是Reniepoelstra, Eva-Fiore,Kovacovsky,
Driessen & Verstappen 和 Sjoerd Buisman。主入口放着poelstra的巨大木炭画,与环

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