Hidemi Nishida is a Sapporo-based artist, designer.
The “Fragile Shelter” is one of my works of “Shelter series”. This winter temporary shelter leads
people to gather, have a party, stay, feel something and so on in the white woods.
This fragile function as being to shelter in the wild nature makes you a bit restless to satay there
alone, but when few number of people get to gather into there, it’s get be wonderfully cozy,
empathetic space.
This is a reconfirmation of beginning of the “house”.
Project data:
location : Geijutsu-no-mori 1, Minami-ku,Sapporo 005-0864, Hokkaido JAPAN
size: 20 square meter interior
materials:wood, plastic screen
construction time:Oct-Dec, 2010
construction team:Hidemi Nishida, Genki Fujita, Akira Nagase
Photo credit:
All photos are taken by Anna Nagai
位于日本北海道Geijutsu-no-mori 1的南区,大小20平米,使用木材与塑料,在2010年10—12月落成。