9女孩纪念馆 M9 / Memorial for 9 girls引入天空,与神对话
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:1855

The place opens like a dialogue from the love of Mary at the foot of the Cross.
The Manquehue hill is the backdrop that contrasts with the sky. The evocation of nature
reaches the relief of a sacred place. The superposition of the inner circle in front of the
geometry of the ramp that descends makes clear the connection between the spirit and human
reincarnation. Between the sacred - divine and reason. The work takes primary forms which
are easily recognizable. Should be left to attract curiosity and fall within the oratory ‘Virgen del
Parque’. The work is constructed from the underground and opening up to the sky through a
concrete cone of nine feet in diameter. 9 lanterns, 9 modules symbolize the 9 girls who left
earlier. Is the presence of divine light, light that allows gravitate concrete forms, its contours, its
plains, leaving them in the park in order to make apparent the dimension of sky. In other words:
the interiorization of the sky and the light into the center of gravity of the ground. Above is sky.
The folds of concrete were shown as a human gesture with which the architecture welcomes a
gathering place, a place of refuge, a meeting place within the park.
It is accessed by a ramp 16 meters long with a 12% slope to reach the memorial oratory. In the
geometric center were planted a magnolia, this tree is the only of nature that has 9 leaves into
each one of its flowers.  From a constructive point of view the oratory is resolved with
concrete incorporating titanium dioxide and a system of phenolic molds. The floor is paving
stones the manner to a carpet horizontal and inclined in a green slope of grass.
As protection guardrail system used a tempered glass embedded in concrete elements. A
band of concrete on the paved surface to create a bench that faced with the presence of the
Virgin welcomes 9 candles and 27 smaller candles which are inserted into the folds of

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