伦敦奥运自行车场馆London 2012 Velodrome by Hopkins Architects
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由Hopkins Architects设计。

北京奥运会自行车比赛金牌得主Sir Chris Hoy在这里骑了下认为:


更多内容,敬请阅览来自伦敦奥运会主办方the Olympic Delivery Authority提供的详细信息。
London 2012 Velodrome unveiled as Sir Chris Hoy, Victoria Pendleton,
Jason Kenny & GB riders try out track for first time
- ODA completes construction of first Olympic Park venue on time and on budget
British cyclists including Sir Chris Hoy, Victoria Pendleton and Jason Kenny took to
the track in the London 2012 Velodrome for the first time as the Olympic Delivery Authority
(ODA) unveiled the first Olympic Park venue to finish construction, on time and to budget.
The 6,000 seat Velodrome will host the Olympic and Paralympic track cycling events in 2012.
After the Games, the legacy Velodrome will be used by elite athletes and the local community
and will include a café, bike hire and cycle workshop facilities. The ODA started work on the
Velodrome in March 2009 with construction now completed and the first Olympic Park venue
in place nearly 18 months before the start of the Games.
Selected riders from the Great Britain Cycling Team tried out the Velodrome for the first time today
including Beijing Games medal winners Sir Chris Hoy, Victoria Pendleton, Jason Kenny and Ross
Edgar, together with rising stars and established names in the GB cycling team. The cyclists were
joined in unveiling the Velodrome by ODA Chairman John Armitt, Seb Coe Chair of the London
Organising Committee (LOCOG), Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt, Mayor of London Boris Johnson
and other guests.

Sir Chris Hoy, triple Gold medal-winner at the Beijing Games and the most successful Olympic male
cyclist of all time, said: "Having been involved in a very small way in the design process in the early
stages, it's amazing to see the Velodrome finally completed, and to be able to have ridden on it today
gives me a feel for what it's going to be like in a year and a half's time. I can't wait!"
ODA Chairman John Armitt said: “In delivering the Velodrome on time and to budget we have completed
our first Olympic Park venue and our biggest milestone to-date. The striking architecture of the Velodrome
and the medal prospects of our world-leading cyclists mean the venue will become one of the defining
images from the Games, and a landmark new building for future generations to enjoy. The architect,
engineers and contractor have worked together to produce a stunning and sustainable building – it is a
worthy venue to be first past the Olympic Park finishing line and a testament to the hard work of those on site.“
Seb Coe, Chair of LOCOG said: “This is a stunning venue built for champions, and designed for legacy.
The ODA has done a terrific job. Over the next 18 months LOCOG will be testing the venue and installing
the temporary facilities needed for an Olympic and Paralympic competition Velodrome. The British cycling
teams provided many of the team GB superstars in recent Games and I am proud to see them on the track for
the first time today.”  

Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport, said: “The progress on the
Velodrome has been phenomenal and it is fitting that it should be the first venue on the Olympic Park to
be finished, given the gold medal hopes we have for our British Olympic track cycling team at the Games.
Watching Chris Hoy and Victoria Pendleton christen the track today was a historic first in the countdown to
London 2012.” 
The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: "This magnificent venue is a triumph for all those involved in
its design and construction. Already an icon for the London Games, with its sweeping roof and sleek
ribbon of track, the Velodrome is poised for our world-beating cycling team to smash records in the
summer of 2012 and inspire a new generation of racers to take to the saddle. There is no doubt that
the Velodrome will be the venue of choice after the Games, both by the community and for major
international competitions for years to come, helping to make London the cycling capital of the world.”
Ian Drake, Chief Executive of British Cycling, said: "This fantastic Velodrome will be nothing but an
inspiration to our Olympic and Paralympic riders in 2012. Indeed, with the continued growth in popularity
of cycling, anyone who is inspired to ride by the likes of Hoy or Pendleton will benefit. Put alongside our
home in Manchester and the forthcoming Velodrome in Glasgow we are in a really strong position to
further build upon our status as the world’s leading track cycling nation with world-class facilities that
are second to none.”

Pat McQuaid, President of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), said: “The structural completion of
the Velodrome today is a significant milestone in the delivery of the Olympic and Paralympic project, and
we thank London 2012 for their work to date. The popularity of cycling is increasing every year both in the
UK and globally. We are confident that the cycling events in 2012 will produce worthy winners and
spectacular events for spectators and help with the further growth of our sport.”
The Olympic Lottery Distributor is investing up to £1.8 billion of National Lottery funding in the
infrastructure of the Olympic Park and other Olympic facilities across the UK. Rt Hon Dame
Janet Paraskeva, Chair of The Olympic Lottery Distributor said: “This is an important milestone
in the delivery of the Olympic Park and National Lottery players can really start to see where
their money has been invested with the completion of this truly world class facility. We look forward
to the rest of the Park progressing over the next few months.”
The construction of the Velodrome and the legacy VeloPark facilities includes funding from Lee Valley
Regional Park Authority (LVRPA), Sport England, Transport for London (TfL), and the London Marathon
Charitable Trust (LMCT).

Derrick Ashley, Chairman of Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, which will own and operate the
Velodrome in legacy, said: “Today is a huge milestone on the route to achieving Lee Valley Regional
Park Authority’s long held vision for a VeloPark in the Lee Valley. For three decades this site was home
to our Eastway Cycle Circuit and we expect Lee Valley VeloPark to build on this glorious cycling heritage
and produce tomorrow’s champions. The stunning Velodrome will sit at the heart of this wonderful cycling
hub, which will draw in 250,000 visitors a year, from those learning to cycle, to famous names setting
world records, all backed by a comprehensive events programme ranging from community events, to
school races and world championships, 52 weeks of the year.”
Sport England is investing £10.5 million of National Lottery funding in this venue. Sport England’s Chair,
Richard Lewis, said: “We’re delighted that our expertise and National Lottery investment are helping to
ensure a mass participation legacy for all those inspired by the Games to get back on a bike – from
budding track cyclists and BMX riders to families who want a day out on their bikes.”
London Transport Commissioner, Peter Hendy, said: “In recent years London really has become a
city that cycles, and we continue to invest record amounts to transform facilities for people who want to
get around the city on two wheels.  The Games are a unique opportunity to build on that growth in cycling
and we are delighted to have contributed to the creation of the Velodrome, which will leave an invaluable
source of inspiration and legacy for Londoners.”


David Golton, Chief Executive of the London Marathon Charitable Trust, said: “We welcome the completion
of this wonderful building and we are delighted to confirm our commitment to the provision of legacy facilities
at the VeloPark. The Velodrome and later facilities will help to achieve one of the objectives of the London
2012 Games - one which has been shared by the Trust for over 30 years – to ensure a lasting benefit for the
whole community.”
The Velodrome was built by contractor ISG. The design team for the VeloPark is made up of Hopkins
Architects, Expedition Engineering, and BDSP who were appointed in 2007 following a design competition
judged by leading names from the world of architecture and design as well as Olympic cyclist Sir Chris Hoy.
Craig Tatton, ISG’s UK Construction Managing Director said: "ISG is proud to have delivered this iconic venue
safely, on budget and ahead of programme. The Velodrome is, quite rightly, receiving many plaudits for design,
sustainability and excellence in delivery and we are proud of our contribution to the first-completed venue on the
Olympic Park. Our involvement has been a fantastic experience for ISG and the overall delivery on the Olympic
Park is an accolade to the wider UK construction industry. We will be looking to take all that we've achieved
and learned out into other schemes both with the London Boroughs and our broader client base in the public
and private sectors.  We wish all the other venues the very best as they also come to a successful completion.”
Mike Taylor, Senior Partner of Hopkins Architects: “We set out with the ambition to combine architecture,
engineering and cycling to create a unique design worthy of London 2012. Hopefully this philosophy is now
evident in the way the completed building expresses the dynamism of the internal timber track in its curved form
and emulates the efficiency of the bicycle in all aspects of its engineering, and when the VeloPark is complete
all forms of cycling will be visible from the concourse. It is the culmination of much hard work from a fantastic
team and we are all extremely proud of  the end result.”
Velodrome fact file:
Velodrome facilities:
- 250m UCI (International Cycling Union) approved indoor track
- 6,000 seats and 360 degree concourse in legacy for viewing all cycling activities
- Legacy café, changing rooms, cycle workshop, & storage for over 300 bikes with a
  legacy bike hire outlet for families to hire bikes to use the new cycling facilities
- Venue will be linked into cycle routes across London
Cycling legacy:
- After the Games, a road cycle circuit and mountain bike course will be added to the
  Velodrome and BMX circuit to create the Lee Valley VeloPark, combining cycling
  facilities across all disciplines in one cycling ‘hub’
- The legacy VeloPark will be owned and operated by Lee Valley Regional Park Authority

- There will be 10 gold medals to be won in the London 2012 Velodrome, five for men and five for women. 
- There will be five events for men and five for women: Sprint, Team Sprint, Keirin, Team Pursuit, and The Omnium
- 188 riders will compete in London 2012
- The track cycling competition will take place over six days in London 2012
Velodrome design:
- Distinct Velodrome roof designed to reflect the geometry of the cycling track, using a very lightweight
 double curving cable net structure
- The 6,000 seats are split into a lower and upper tier, allowing a 360 degrees concourse level in between
 with a continuous ribbon of full height windows
- The 360 degree glazed concourse level in legacy will offer spectators inside the Velodrome views out onto
  the rest of the Olympic Park and across the London skyline, while allowing people outside of the Velodrome
   views into the venue and down onto the cycling track

- The Velodrome was constructed over a period of 23 months with up to 450 workers on site at the
  peak of construction and 2,500 workers involved through the course of the project
- Some 48,000 cubic metres of material was excavated to create the bowl for the Velodrome, enough to
  fill 19 Olympic-sized swimming pools
- 2,500 sections of steelwork were installed to form the Velodrome structure, rising in height by 12
  metres from the shallowest point to the highest part of the structure
- The cable-net roof lift took eight weeks to complete and features some 16km of cabling, covering an
   area of 12,000m2
- The striking outer cladding of the venue uses 5,000m2 of Western Red Cedar timber
Velodrome track:
- The Velodrome has been designed with the aim of creating the world’s fastest cycling track by tailoring
  the track geometry and setting the temperature and environmental conditions within the venue to create
  record-breaking conditions
- The venue has also been being designed with seating all the way round the track to create the best possible
  crowd atmosphere during events.
- Renowned Velodrome track designer Ron Webb oversaw the design and installation of the 2012 track
   having previously worked on the Sydney and Athens Velodromes
- A team of 26 specialist carpenters installed the cycling track over a period of 8 weeks
- 56km of surface timber from a sustainably-sourced Siberian pine was laid to form the track surface,
  fixed into place with more than 350,000 nails
Sustainability elements:
- The building has been designed to be lightweight and efficient to reflect the efficient design of a bicycle
- The use of abundant daylight through strategically positioned rooflights reduces need for artificial lighting,
  and natural ventilation is achieved through openings in the external timber cladding of the venue
- Water saving fittings and collection of rainwater for reuse in building are built into design to help reduce
   water consumption
- Compact design minimises energy consumed to heat the main arena
- Lightweight cable-net roof structure weighs 30kg/m2 compared to 65kg/m2 for the Beijing Velodrome,
  helping create a highly efficient building

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