朱家角人文艺术馆Zhujiajiao Museum of Humanities & Arts上海朱家角
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:2556
1朱家角古镇 Zhujiajiao canal town
2基地与古银杏site & the ancient gingko
As the most integrally preserved canal-town in Shanghai, Zhujiajiao attracts an increasing number of visitors every year with its authentic tradition of eastern China.  The site, located at the entry of the old town, faces two 470-year-old ginkgo trees.  This 1,800 sqm museum will house paintings and other art works related to the history of Zhujiajiao.
Our design approach is to delineate an art-visit experience that is rooted in Zhujiajiao.  The architecture will be the carrier of this experience.
In the spatial allocation, the central atrium becomes the heart of the circulation.  On the ground floor, the atrium brings natural light into the surrounding galleries through carefully positioned openings.  On the second floor, a corridor around the outskirt of the atrium links several dispersed “small-house” galleries and courtyards, which can provide diverse spaces for small exhibitions and events.  This building-courtyard layout makes a clear reference to the figure-ground texture of the old town, and orientates the visitors to wander between the art works and the real sceneries with an experience of intimate interactions between matter and thought.  A reflecting pool, laid in the east courtyard on the second floor, accomplishes an ultimate collection by borrowing the reflection of the ginkgo tree into the museum. 
Project Data
Project:                Zhujiajiao Museum of Humanities & Arts
Location:              Zhujiajiao town, Shanghai
Site Area:            1448 sqm
Building Area:      1818 sqm
Program:             Fine Arts Museum
Design/Built:        2008-2010
Architect:             Zhu Xiaofeng / Scenic Architecture Office
Design Team:       Li Qitong, Xu Lei, Dong Zhiping, Zhang Hao
Structural & MEP:       Shanghai Xiandai Huagai Architectural Design Ltd.
Client:                  Shanghai Dianshanhu Newtown Development Ltd.
Photographer:      Iwan Baan
Material:               White painted wall, Glass, Zinc panel roofing, granite
成都文锦图像设计有限公司是一家专业从事成都效果图,成都室内效果图,成都建设效果图,成都装饰效果图,成都建筑效果图,成都景观效果图,成都建筑动画为一体的综合性设计制作公司,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。产品经营范围包括:成都效果图、成都室内效果图、成都建筑设计、成都装饰设计、成都景观设计、成都园林景观设计等。公司位于中国四川成都市华星路2号长城锦苑。自公司成立以来,现已聚集了一批有责任心,高素质,良好建筑及美术素养专业人才,他们凭借自身对建筑敏锐的艺术洞察力和特殊的设计技能,在与客户密切合作的基础上,能够准确把握设计师的思想,敏锐捕捉并定位项目风格并快速的高质量的完成所需项目,上润文化本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的成都效果图合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。公司已经成为成都效果图制作的专业公司团队,团队核心成员对室内效果图有深刻的理解。曾多次获得政府专业评级机构认证,成都建筑效果图,成都装饰效果图,成都景观效果图,成都建筑动画与相关的奖项。我们在成都效果图制作行业的性价比是比较高的,成都室内效果图的价格最合理最低,从500元起到上万元。文锦设计做为少有的成都建筑设计的专业公司,从成立决不能2012年内我们做过的成都装饰设计的成功案例不计其数,也得到了设计客户的一致好评。成都园林设计作为公司的在成都的新业务为主力发展方向,将会不断完善与创新成都园林设计的技术与制作团队。 联系电话:电话: 028-86962119,成都文锦图像设计有限公司现有国内优秀一流效果图专家团队。 成都文锦设计 成都文锦图像设计有限公司 成都效果图 成都室内效果图 成都建筑效果图 成都装饰效果图 成都景观效果图 成都建筑动画