西扎作品!Fire Station in Santo Tirso / Alvaro Siza
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:3278


Volunteer Firefighters Barracks of Santo Tirso. The Firefighters barracks matches the
CB1 Type program and is located in Quinta de Geão, at the lot 28, of 4770 m2.


Álvaro Siza Vieira
Volunteer Firefighters Barracks of Santo Tirso

The Firefighters barracks matches the CB1 Type program and is located in Quinta de
Geão, at the lot 28, of 4770 m2.

The building comprises a total gross area of 1173 m2 and lodges the support functions
to the fire brigade. Starting from the “Lobby – Access”, it is organized in 3 floors.
It develops exclusively at the ground floor level in the continuity of the sector A, with its
own access from the corner of the B and C streets, houses the tasks of the associative
sector and comprises a total gross area of 145 m2:
- Lobby – common to the sector A
- Reception and board secretariat
- Board room
- Full accessibility sanitary

Between sectors A and B there is a circulation space, open onto a courtyard,
communicating with all building functions.

In the terrain remaining space, between the building and the EN 104, lies the
Operational Parade, of 914 m2, with access from the C street and directly from the car

Next to the Operational Parade is located the Home-School (CE) and the workshop
and washing (OL).

The Honor Parade is located next to the building main façade from the C Street.
Regarding the landscaping project and exterior arrangements, the proposal envisages
the establishment of paved green areas that will serve as a framework and support
space. The paved areas, excluding the car accesses and the terrace area outside the
Bar, are coated with stone trimmed asphalt concrete. The green areas will be targeted
for the existing vegetation reinforcement in the slope areas, proceeding to the
replacement work of degraded species. Occasionally some trees will be brought, fed
by an automatic irrigation system and flagged by boilers in the paved areas.

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