Nicolas Laisné*建筑事务所也对亚洲的高层建筑市场非常感兴趣。他们拥有诸多高层建筑设计经验。
Ginko生态住宅区的项目位于法国波尔多市 Berge du Lac区域,四栋集体住宅楼和另十栋私人住宅共同形成这个私人街区。三栋高楼均为深色立面,它们的蜿蜒曲线剪影与当地有轨电车相呼应。另一边,木立面的私人住宅群和高楼与毗邻的线性公园平行并列。建筑师的所有抉择皆是因建筑物的具体情况妥善而处。
This project, located in the new Berge du Lac area in Bordeaux, includes four collective buildings and ten individual houses which form a block. The dark shades and unbalanced silhouettes of the three tallest structures echo the tramway. On the other side, the individual houses and a building, covered in wood, are erected along the side of a linear park. Each of these architectural choices responds to the particular circumstances of these buildings.