Gazebo for TV show / za bor architects参加电视节目做出的凉亭
分类: 作者:成都文锦效果图设计 浏览数:1753

建筑 私人 庭院 凉亭 园林 木材 电视秀 za bor architects 

Architects: za bor architects / Arseniy Borisenko, Peter Zaytsev
Location: Moscow Region, Russia
Principal Use: recreation
Engineering: za bor architects
Materials: larchwood, break, steel
Project year: 2011
Photographs: Peter Zaytsev

The project has been developed specially for popular TV show ?Dachniy Otvet? (Eng: ?The
village talks?). The idea of the show is that for those owners of country houses and cottages,
who agreed to participate in the experiment, the invited designers or architects do re-planning of
a part of their village. The important moment is that the house owners pay nothing for
reconstruction, but at the same time they can't influence the result, so it comes always
unexpected for them. The architects in their turn try to offer the most original solutions.

The object here is fairly typical suburban area, with garden trees belonging to the captain of the
yacht, who enjoys cooking on the grill with his family and a number of friends.

Architects have suggested to make a small-size self-supporting structure consisting of fourteen
planes made of  larch white-tinted wood. The gazebo has the helical structure resembling a sea
wave, with an area for feasts (dining zone) and, in the distant second part separated by a small
air ?gap?, is a barbecue area with a chargrill made of brick and steel. Architect's concept for the
construction is transparency and openness which inspires a contact between man and nature,
especially because of surroundings: a green lawn and wonderful fruit trees giving an abundant
harvest each fall. Neutral tints of the gazebo are drowning in intense colours of the garden - from
the lush green in summer to yellow and red in autumn, and bringing together a rather complex
and aggressive form with pastoral Moscow suburbs, allowing it to exist peacefully within the site

Arseniy Borisenko and Peter Zaytsev — the architects, are making comments on the project:
?We wanted to develop a complex dynamic structure that would not only perform its functions –
gazebo and chargrill area, but would preserve the existing context of the site. Although our
project is a complex structure consisting of 14 flat segments, we used neutral colours and natural
larch wood. This helps, on the one hand, to present an object effectively and emphasize its
structural features, on the other – to leave it in the existing suburban context, to fuse in the
greenery of the garden, to please the eye, not to offend it.
The gazebo planes are an excellent protection from the wind and rainfall, so we hope its new
owners will be able to use it not only in summer but in winter as well.
项目主要建筑师Arseniy Borisenko和Peter Zaytsev表示:“我们像做出一个复杂的,动态的结构,不


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